Saturday, February 21, 2009

7 Days and Counting...

We need a Miracle! Please join us in prayer as we are coming close to the trip of a lifetime. In just 7 days we will all 4 be boarding a plane to rescue Timur. There is still so much to be done and needs to be met. God knows the details. We appreciate your prayers. We feel it is God's will to rescue these children from the institutions they are bound for. Not to give up! He is the ultimate provider and we believe He will provide. If we had a million dollars and our paperwork didn't go through it wouldn't matter. Our paperwork has sailed on through now it's about the money still needed. Man will let us down but God will not. He will never leave us.
It's never been about Wayne or Meghan. This mission has always been about the life of a child. If you could only know the truth we've learned you would be in agreement, this is no place for any child. Timur deserves the love a family.
This is our heart today as we pray for God to move in a powerful way!


Bethany said...

Hey Meghan ... for some reason I can't find your email from when we talked previously. I wanted to let you know I'm getting ready to blog about you and McKenna getting ready to go.

I can't wait for you guys to get there! Praying for a $ miracle too!

Hi, I'm Alysha -But you can call me Lysh said...

My prayers are with you! Remember that our Almighty God's bank never runs dry, He is the great provider!! So excited to see His hands move mountains for you and your Timur to come home quickly. Blessings, Alysha (adopting Vincent)

Mary Malone said...

Hey Wayne and Meghan,

We love you and are praying that God will meet your every need!!
Can't believe it is less than a week now!!! Wont be long till you have them in your arms!
All our love,
Chris and Mary

orphans4me said...

May our God supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.