Good News, We saw Macey today! We went to the orphanage first thing this morning. We were excited to see BOTH kids today. As it turns out, Macey's doctor was home sick today. I had to address the principal (director) of the orphanage. I explained our situation about Macey being sick, not having been able to see her for 1 week and the fact that we are leaving with them tomorrow. We have only met him the one day, when we arrived. We made a comprimise. We had already gone to get Marcus while I went to check on Macey. That way Wayne, Taylor and Tanner would be spending time with him. We were able to see both kids just not together. We played with Marcus for the first hour then returned him to his groupa. The second hour was spent with Macey just inside her groupa, it's what we would call a "mud room." It's a small room with lockers for coats and shoes, no toys or chairs to speak of. We fetched Wayne a chair and the kids and I played on the floor. I opened her groupa door, I saw her right away. She looked beautiful! I couldn't wait to get my hands on her. They took her potty and wiped her nose before bringing her to the little room we were waiting in. It didn't take long before she came to the door with ALL smiles. She remembered me! It was a great time together. We played with a new toy Tanner bought from the outdoor market. It is a spinning top. Macey loves it! Tanner made a good choice. She was all smiles to see us but I could tell she didn't feel well either. I can only imagine being "cooped up" in a room with other sick kids for a week. I can tell she is conjested and we had to wipe her nose several times. She was not running any fever. It was hard to return her to her groupa after our visit. She didn't want to leave us. She held on tight and cried when I let her go. It was heartbreaking! We returned later this afternoon to play with her again. We chose not to visit Marcus becasue we didn't want to give them any excuse to say her had been exposed to the sickness, even if it would have only been through us. It was hard not to visit with him, I'm sure he missed our time together. We felt it was the best option considering our circumstances. We do not want to be responsible for anything changing our plans at the last minute. Our second visit with her went about the same. It was a sweet time together. We were trying to make up for lost time. Unfortunately, she left the same way as this morning, upset. I wonder if she was afraid we wouldn't return again for another week or she just didn't feel well. Either way it was hard to leave her AGAIN. We will all be so happy to be together tomorrow! Please pray she continues to get well. I have a feeling once she has some fresh air and is not exposed to eveyone elses sickness she can get well sooner. Please continue to pray for THE process. Nothing is over until it's over! I look forward to sharing our Good News tomorrow.
Thanks again for continuing to pray for EVERYONE involved in this adventure. It is a GOD thing that we are even here able to rescue these TWO precious babies.
Yeah, a visit with Macey, I'm so happy for you guys! We will continue to pray that she's feeling much better by tomorrow for the "gotcha day". Macey is so beautiful and precious, I know that she's missed your love, affection and playtime. Lots of hugs and kisses to Timur and Macey. Keep us posted as you start your travels tomorrow, it's close to that time - PRAISE GOD! 12 hours from now you will be headed to Odessa, we pray!! LOVE YOU ALL, be safe and well, Tara and Family
P.S. Thanks for sending pictures of your Ukrainian Princess, don't forget the bows before you leave (j/k)!!
YEA! So glad ya'll got to see that sweet girl today! Love you guys and we're still holding the rope for you!!!
Yea! It was good to see pictures of her again today. I have shared pics of both kiddos with lots of people! We will pray that you all stay healthy for the rest of the trip and for Macey to be back 100% for the busy few days you have ahead of you. We can't wait to hear the good news tomorrow.
Love you guys!
We will be praying that everything goes well and the children stay healthy. We hope to hear some good news soon. God bless you all and be safe.
Patti, Rob, & boys
Oh, finally got to see your little girl again! I'm sure she missed you, bless her little heart. The pictures are adorable! I just can't wait for you guys to get back!!! Just a few more days!!! Love to all!!! (((HUGS))) ~Jen
Hi there, I don't comment often, sorry! But I'm so glad you got to see Macy and that things seem to be going well for you. Praying for your end trip to be quick and without any hicccups!
Blessings, Meredith (RR)
I am enjpying your e-mails so much. I love the pictures of the babies and yours as well. Give Tanner and Taylor my love. When you get home you will have to recover from all of this. You have had a lot on your plate for that is the way it is. Not like here, lots of lines and waiting. I waited in a jewelry store for what seemed to be hours once and you go through three people before you can get your hands on your purchase. This one experienced this I can read between the lines. Understand everything you are saying. Boy, does it bring me back. Taylor and Tanner will never,ever forget this ex[perience.
How many homeschoolers have lived in this country. I cannot wait to see you all. I think about you every day and pray. I am glad Marcus and Macey are recovering. What a wonderful life they will have with you. I think they are the luckiest children along with the others who went elsewhere in all of U. They love their children as we do but we are so very Blessed here. I used to take it for granted but never again. Once you get out of your comfort zone, its so different. It is meant to be. Odessa was fourth largest city with Kiev before it I think before it became indeoendent. Its a sizable city with some westernization. I am so glad you could be with the children as a family outside the walls. They have marvelous parents who literally went to the other side of the world.
I went to OU college of nursing last night with my boss and others. Hear a nurse anesthtist speak who went to Nam for a year. I had wanted to do this at the time but I was having babies. I tried to go to Laos but got turned away.
I am starting ti teach again,six and a half hourse a day,full time times foour weeks. I set up my classroom yesterday. I love it.
Today its snowing here, still coming down. Hard to believe its the end of March but I have seen it before.
Anyway, God Bless you and keep you all in the Palm of his Almight Hands. Love,Mother (Nana)
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