Unfortunately we are unable to see Natalia (Macey) this morning. He groupa is still sick. The doctors told us she is running a low grade fever, like one-tenth of a degree too high. They do not want to expose her to Timur and take the risk of getting him and his groupa sick. My head understands but my heart doesn't. We were told we could go see her for a few mimutes just inside her groupa doors. We have chosen to wait unitl Wednesday. For a few reasons: we do not want to upset her with only a few minutes, not enough time for play, we do not want to risk any of us getting sick from her groupa and IF Timur were to get sick we could not "Spring" them on Thursday. I do not understand myself how they can keep either of them after the court decree is issued but we don't want to "ruffle any feathers." Our mission here is still the same: to rescue both Marcus and Macey as soon as possible. We do not need any "issues" to keep us from doing so. With that said, Thursday is another BIG day for us. Irina (our translator) will be here to pick up the court decree hopefully by 8am, we need to "Spring" the children by 10am in order to be to Natlaia's hometown and Odessa (Timur's birthplace) and have their birth certificates picked up before closing time Thursday. Everthing we do is on a time schedule that day. Our prayer is that we are productive and get the necessary paperwork completed. We will have more paperwork to do on Friday, I beleive applying for their passports. We would like to have these things done before the weekend. The sooner things go through, the sooner we can come home. Remember we WILL have Marcus and Macey with us during this time too. It will be a long day of travel! Thank You for listening and praying on our behalf. We couldn't do this without your love and support. I should say, we wouldn't WANT to do this without the loving family and friends we have waiting back home. We'll keep you posted!
P.S. We want to wish my younger sister, JENNIFER a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY today! We love you! Thank You so much for your love, support, prayers, help and encouragement with the adoption of your new niece and nephew. We'll CELEBRATE when we get home, soon and VERY soon!
Thanks for the update! I am so sorry that you still have not been able to see Macey. Waiting until Wednesday is probably best, as you said, you sure don't want little Timur to get sick and I don't think she'd understand if you just came in for a few minutes and left. These next two days are going to fly by; I just know it! Give T & T lots of hugs and kisses for me, Timur too! Please be safe and stay strong! Before you know it...those babies will be safe in your arms and you'll be one step closer to home! Thank you so much for the call this morning and thank you for the birthday wishes!!! Keep the pictures and the updates coming! We love them!!! (((HUGS))) ~Jen aka the Birthday Girl!!! :)
Thanks for the update w/Macey and her groupa. We pray that Macey will be well for the upcoming travels, that's most important. Peeking in on her for a few minutes may upset her and she wouldn't understand completely. Your doing what is best for Macey and Timur. Stay strong and focused on this adoption process, it's getting closer and closer to "Thursday". Enjoy your time with Timur and Macey will be joining him very soon, we pray! Have a great evening, we miss you all lots and lots. XOXO to T & T,
Timur and Macey as well! LOVE YOU ALL, Tara and Family
The week is finally here! I am so sorry I missed your call this weekend - it was great to hear your voice on the answering machine. You sounded like you were right next door. We went camping over the weekend and it rained on us most of the time, but it was great to get away. Now we are back in the swing of things and the countdown to the end of school is on.
We kept up with your blog while we were camping, but access was not readily available (I know how you must feel daily). We are praying for the week to go smoothly for you - for all of the paperwork to go through without any problems. We can't wait to get you and those babies home!!!!! Keep us posted as to the time and date!
By the way, the video of Wayne and Marcus is priceless. It makes a difference to be able to hear him laugh!
We love you guys and can't wait to see you - it is not long now!
We're sorry to hear Natalia is still sick...and her groupa....we will pray that all of the groupa gets well quickly and that God would open the door for you to see her and take her on Thursday. We love all the pictures and the video--Timur is so giggly and precious :) ps. I sent you an email if you have time to respond
Praying for you all!
love, Traci and theAdamson
Prayers for Macey and for all of you that you can spring those babies and bring them on home. Prayers also for speedy passports! Hi to Irina from Lou and Mattea!
Praying you all the way home!!!
What a FUN, FUN video!! Thank you for keeping us posted on the progress with everything, especially Macey - I will pray for you all in the coming days. It must seem like forever since you've seen Macey. Looking forward to hearing that the "quarantine" is over. I'm excited to hear reports from Thursday. Blessings to you!
Praying for your week and for Macey. Praying she recovers quickly and that nothing delays your homecoming. May God give you the peace and grace for each day. God Bless you and your family,
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