Pree-vyet (Hi) from Ukraine,
The sun came out today. It was so nice to wake up to sunshine. It was still cool today but the rain went away and the sun came out. Thanks for the prayers. We had our morning visit with Timur today. He was so happy to see us. We liked THE outfit so much we got to see it again. :) We played, laughed and tickled Timur until it was time for him to go to lunch. He eats fisg soup before taking a nap. Our visit wasn't the same without Natalia. Knowing she was right upstaris was so hard. We know she has to be missing us. We have spent 4 hours a day with her since we met her. I wish I could explain this absence to her where I know she would understand we ARE coming back. I asked how she was doing today, she's sneezing. Please continue to pray for her health protection. We want her to stay strong and healthy for our trip home. We can rescue them 1 week from today, but who's counting? :) We took advantage of the sunshine and ate lunch out today. We like the cafeteria near the center of town. They have good food and a clean bathroom (with a real potty - no squatting). The only complaint is they have hot pop. I will include a picture to show you what I mean. They have coolers for the pop but do not plug them in to cool the drinks, STRANGE. (Notice in the picture, they even leave the cooler doors open). My guess is they want to save the energy. We then walked to the outside market. Imagine Old Paris Flea Market back home only BIGGER. They sell everything! From live chickens, lots of boots and hats, candy, clothes, fresh vegatables, toiletries to automotive parts - the list goes on. Several of the "booths" sell the same thing. I wonder how each vendor makes a living. We have bought a few odd and ends. We are not big spenders at the market. We came back to the apartment to unwind and refresh until our evening visit with Timur. We again had a great time with him. He is my "doll baby." He is so affectionate and has a sweet spirit. He loves to kiss Wayne and Tanners chin with his tongue. I like to cuddle him and play patty-cake with him. We clap together, roll 'em up then throw them in the pan - he laughs EVERY time. Then he claps on his own to do it again. The simple things! He loves our attention. Today we were able to feed him a snack. Imagine Cheetos without the cheese. He loves these things. They dissolve in his mouth immediately and have no nutritional value at all, but he loves them. This evening we went to the internet cafe' after our visit and dinner. The cafe' is quick and allows us to use SKYPE. The kids got on their own computers there and checked in on their WEBKINS. It was a great use of time. I was able to call home to our family this evening. It was great to hear real voices. My mom was so happy to hear from us. She was able to say hello to T&T. I talked to both of my sisters, Barbara and Chris' mom - Nana. Taylor so wanted to talk to Hannah but she wasn't home. It's hard to find a good time to call because of the time difference. It won't be long before we can talk to everyone and better yet share Marcus and Macey with each of you. I'm sure Taylor and Tanner will share. This has been a great experience for all of us together. We are all bonding at the same time, watching them both discover new things each day and be together as a family. God knew what was best for our family. I wouldn't have it any other way. We will begin it all again tomorrow. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers and following us on this adventure.
P.S. I would not have a scrapbooking business if I lived here. No one takes pictures. There are some places that we are NOT allowed to use cameras and other times I have to ask. This will make for an interesting Ukrainan trip album.
Yeah, the sun came out today, how wonderful. I'm glad you guys were able to be outside at the market, looks real interesting. Timur is so precious, I can't wait to hug on him myself. I hope you will get to visit w/Macey this weekend, (if her sneezes go away-too funny). We are praying your last week will fly by for everyone and your on that plane before you know it. It was great to talk with you, thanks for the call. Have a good night and give everyone a hug from us. We love you and miss you dearly, Tara and Family
P.S. Praying that Macey's groupa is feeling better, God love them all!
P.S. The photo of Timur and Tanner is priceless, so adorable, I love it. Blessings, Aunt Tara
Hello!!! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to talk to any longer, earlier today when you called. It was wonderful to hear from you though. I am glad to know that the weather was cooperating for you today! I'm sure it helps, a little bit!
Is that picture of T & T together in the "internet cafe"? I just couldn't picture what it would look like. I was thinking more of a Starbucks/Panera Bread kind of hang-out spot...maybe not! LOL
I know that things seem rough right now, with not being able to see Natalia. I am so sorry that you are going through this. If she is sick, I pray for nothing but her wellness...if there is more to it, I pray that in 7 days, you'll pick both of those babies up, carry them out and never look back! 7 more days and they are ALL yours.
Please know that God brought you to this and He WILL bring you through it!!! The devil is testing you right now! Be safe, take care of yourself and your beautiful family, give lots of XOXO to Timur and keep praying for Natalia! It's all going to work out in the end!
Please know that we are all thinking of you and praying for you daily...hourly! By the time you get this post...only 6 more days!!!
One more thing...the picture you posted today of you and Timur...well, it's my favorite...of all time! You have to know that...this WAS meant to be!!! It will happen!!! You will be home soon with two new wonderful kids!!! I can't wait to see you again!!!
Lots of love to all...
We pray that today is going better for all of you, what a wonderful blessing that the countdown moves right along. Though I know it really can't go fast enough. Tanner and Meagon are learning some valuable life lessons as are all of us. The children look beautiful. I am praying that Macey will get over her cold quickly. Blessings to all of you, Love Betty and Don rogers
We are so glad that the sun came out today where you are (funny, it's been cloudy all day here...hmmmm). After I read this line "I wish I could explain this absence to her where I know she would understand we ARE coming back." it made me wonder if someone is/can take a message to Macey to explain to her why you can't see her and that you WILL be there for her when she's well. Surely they can communicate with her, can't they? We are still praying for you and can't wait to see everyone back in the ol' U S of A. Love ya'll
Robert and Patti (and the boys)
Glad to see you all are doing well. I love all the pictures. All your children are priceless. I hate that you are not getting to visit Macey. I can imagine that would be so hard for your family. I will pray that the groupa gets better soon. It has been fun reading about the different things you are experiencing in country. There is a lot of similarities with our Russian experience. The hot pop is what we also experienced everywhere in Russia. Our translator told us that they believe cold drinks make people sick. I also asked a Bosnian man that married a friend of mine about this. He said that a lot of the Europian countries are like this they believe that the cold liquid actually hurt their throat but he admitted that it is more of a superstition. Paul whistled a tune when we were in the baby home in Russia and he was quickly hushed. He was told that whistling indoors stirs bad spirts. So don't whistle indoors. Just in case. Ha , Ha. Isn't it interesting to experience another culture for that long. Before you leave it will feel like your second home. When we finally left Russia, I was a little sad, but happily got on the plane. Hope your next week goes by fast. Praying for you and your family,
One day closer!! We are praying for you guys and really miss ya'll.
I am so happy always to see the beautiful pictures of your entire family now. What an adventure. Also i appreciated hearing from you. Mothers always worry,especially me. OOps, I messed up. Taylor and I will have to compare journals. I was on a ship and would get up really early and write in the salon. It took some effort but I am glad today. Sounds like you are getting a little sightseeing in. What alearning experience. Odessa is a really big city, maybe more Western in some ways. There should be beautiful magnificent and shops and cathedrals. Maybe a museum or two. I miss everyone and pray it will be a good trip back. It will certainly take effort but thte end result will be worth it. I am glad you have the patches. They should be of great help to you. I love the long messages. I feel as if I am there and understand what you are saying in many ways. Love,Mother
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