I feel like I've been hit by a Mac truck. I have little energy and am feeling a little under the weather. For some reason I think this is Ukraine's parting gift as we plan to leave soon. The "littles" are feeling slowly better, no fever anyway. Wayne and Tanner have developed a cough. Wayne is taking good care of us. He and Taylor walked to a small market this morning to get a few essentials and some medicine for us to take, kind of like our Thera-Flu. I have not gotten out of my PJ's all day and napped with Marcus this morning and Macey this afternoon. I feel like I need to take advantage of all the rest I can get for this upcoming weekend. We are still hopfeul that the kids passports will be ready tomorrow afternoon at 3pm. If so, we will make the 6 hour drive to Kiev. Some new dear friends of ours, Jamie and Yuri will be driving down tomorrow morning to then turn around and drive us back to the guest house we stayed in when we first arrived to Ukraine. I am so excited we were able to begin our trip with them and end it with them as well. Praise the Lord! We would like to arrive at the US Embassy on Friday morning at 8am and apply for their visa's then have their medical exams while we are waiting for them to process the visa's. It CAN all be done in one day. We pray the authorities will have grace with us and allow this to be done, no glitches. If so, we would like to travel home THIS weekend. It may not be easy considering we are now traveling with 6 of us with such short notice. We can not rebook our flights until we have the passports completed. It's already going to cost us to change our flights. We are booked to come home on the 10th, No way! We want to come home, yesterday. Please pray that the Lord would honor the desire of our hearts and allow for us to come home this weekend. Wayne does not get paid for the time he is off work. He used his annual leave on his knee and foot surgeries. He will need to recover from the trip then get back to work ASAP. If I'm not going to feel well I'd rather be in my own home. Don't get me wrong I am grateful for our time here, our mission was accomplished. The kids have brought us so much joy, hence Macey's middle name: Tatum - brings joy. It will feel so much better to be a family in our own home. I hope this makes since. I just need your support and prayers right now, I'm tired. Thanks!
Yesterday Wayne, Taylor and Tanner went to the center of town to do a little sightseeing. I was so proud of them. They were able to visit a Literature Museum and an Art Museum. They had lunch out before returning home to momma in bed with her babies. I already wasn't feeeling well and took advantage of keeping the little ones in. It was a nice break for Wayne and the big kids. There are pictures above of thier outing, Enjoy!
Thanks for listening.
Great to see T & T out and about, nice pictures! So sorry your not feeling well now, bummer. Praying that each of you are well rested and on your feet by tomorrow. Also, that all paperwork is signed and sealed for your trip back home, this weekend would be AWESOME! Please take care of yourself and those babies, you will need your strength to travel with two little ones. This is so exciting, it's almost over, can't wait to see everyone!! XOXO to all the kiddos, WE LOVE YOU ALL, Tara, Brett, Lily and Luke
Oh, no! I'm sorry to know that you aren't feeling well. I am praying that you'll feel better...and soon! Please let T & T know that we are thinking about them, Wayne too! This weekend would be a great time to come home!!! Lots of prayers are being lifted up that God will make it happen!!! Please take care of yourself and keep us updated!!! (((HUGS))) ~Jen
I hope YOU will be feeling better soon Meghan...I bet it was nice to rest up with the little ones. We will pray for all of your health and for the passports to get done. Looks like your big kids are having fun there.
We will be praying for health for all of you and health protection to get you all home! I think you are all worn down from the stress and emotions and to get your home would be a great thing! I am earnestly praying that the passports are done early and you can get to Kiev. Keep us posted on the travel plans!
Love you guys!
TAYLOR AND TANNER GET OUT OF THE STREET! LOL They look like they are about to get run over by those cars...... Isn't it funny how people drive in other countries????
So sorry your sick...... a little dose of Oklahoma and you'll be all better.... Praying for your quick and safe return..
Meghan and Wayne, the journey is almost finished. It will all be worth it. I amso sorry about the sickness. You know I worry about you. Thats the Mother in me. Love the pictures of the day out in mueseums etc. Thats a good thing.
Of course I want to fly over there and take care of you. Wayne is so good and that is a Blessing unto itself. I hope tanner and Taylor have seen some of the sites. This is an education they will never forget,all first hand. I know this is a tedious process. You are doing well and I am so proud that you would do such a thing. Pretty marvelous I would say. God Bless/ Love,Nana
I worry about y'all too but it sho' ain't the Mother in me !!! HANG IN THERE WAYNE !!! I started out pushing you over there in my mind's eye now I'm pulling you back home with all my strength - c'mon big boy - vacation's over !!! those pictures are waaaay cool !!! Odessa? y'all look good - rested even ??? the girl's middle name Tatum - maybe Marcus' middle moniker = Tater?
Bless your heart, Meghan! It's such a long trip!!! It is so hard to be away from home, in a land where everything is so different and where you have no control. Soon you will be home, though, and will have a MILLION stories to tell!! And lots and lots of photos to scrapbook!! (My favorite hobby, too!)
"Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer." Romans 12:12
If i could get it to you, I would make you some hot homemade chicken soup (in the crock pot- hehe) Soothes the soul and just might help you body feel a little better.
We love you all and are praying for your protection in helath ,time and travel!!!
Jennifer, Dan & crew
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