I was right Dr. Morrow just adored Marcus and Macey. We had their first appointment with their pediatrician this afternoon. After filling out mounds of initial paperwork the kids were seen. We started out at the scales. Marcus weighed 22 lbs. and 14 oz., was 34 inches long at 3 years old. He didn't even make it on "the chart." Macey weighed 28lbs. and 11 oz., was 36 inches long at 4 years old. She was only in the 5% of "the growth chart." We were encouraged with ALL Dr. Morrow had to say. Dr. Morrow wanted to know the medical history of both children. That was an easy form to fill out: I wrote Nothing! We have NO history. Only what we were given at the medical exam and a small bit of information that the orphanage provided. Dr. Morrow asked that we begin TODAY with both kids. This will be the first day of their history. This was a relief. I felt like she was assertive and ready to begin helping our kids were they are TODAY! I couldn't agree more. She started with Macey: she looked good, she was excited that she was bonding well and understanding us, she thought teaching her sign language was a good idea - whatever we need to do to communicate, she thought Macey going to school in the Fall would be good for her and the services they provide for her should be enough, she was glad she was sleeping well in a toddler bed and was glad we are working with her on potty training. She did ask that we increase her calories. Marcus was another story. She wants to take one step at a time with him, she doesn't want to miss anything. She agreed that school, would be fine for him in the fall too but that it wouldn't be enough therapy for him - he needs OT now. She was concerned that he was malnourished and insisted that we increase his calories immediately. He needs to gain weight with a high calorie/fat diet. She said the baby food was a good place to start for texture but it wasn't enough for calories. Baby food only has 25 calories per jar. She wants him on Pedisure since he is not interested in drinking whole milk or anything for that matter. He already has an appointment for his eyes later this month. We have no idea what the poor boy can and can not see. She will schedule a echo-cardiogram for both of them soon. Also, they will need to visit the ENT to see if they may need tubes. Macey needs to visit Dr. Morrow another time to have the wax cleaned out of her ears, there's more than I can clean out myself. Today they both got shots and blood drawn at the lab. They tested for Leukemia, thyroid, HIV and something else, maybe CVC? They also sent off for their genetic testing. We should have those results in 4-6 weeks. I would say we are off to a great start. Dr. Morrow was professional, through and personable. She said she wanted to go over Marcus' chart and make a Plan of Action for us to follow. She asked us not to be overwhelmed but to take each thing as it comes. It will be work but he has potential. She reminded me that he has been neglected. My heart sank at the reminder. He has such a sweet spirit. He loves to laugh and cuddle. God saved him just for us. Macey has been a real blessing. Someone asked me, "Who was easier to take care of?" I quickly told them Marcus by far. He wants to be fed, loved on - cuddled with and put to bed when he's tired. Macey is a full fledged, 4 year old toddler. She's pretty typical to me. She is bonding well and understanding so quickly. Her bath time is getting so much better now. I have to let the water out before she will get out of the tub. She doesn't always want to slow down long enough to take a nap but is glad she did when she wakes up rested. She is an absolute joy - hence her middle name Tatum (Brings Joy). We feel like today is the beginning. The beginning of the medical help they so desperately deserve. Wayne and I are committed to do everything possible to help both of them grow to their greatest potential. I am confident that Dr. Morrow has their best interest at hand. Please continue to pray for Marcus and Macey - Pray for their test results, the rest of their immunizations they need, Dr. Morrow for wisdom and for Wayne and I - that we would be patient and listen for God's voice as we care for our children. This is ALL new to us. We are not overwhelmed today just excited about what's to come for them both. Pray God will continue to provide through our finances as we have our adoption loan to pay and new doctor bills too. We truly believe God allowed us to rescue both Marcus and Macey and HE will provide for them. I thank God he has intrusted them to us - what an awesome privilege we have been given. We will keep you posted with their progress and any results we receive.
THANK YOU to my sister Jennifer who joined us at the doctor's office today. I appreciate the support, extra set of ears to take all this information in and the extra set of loving arms you provided for Marcus and Macey. I didn't think I needed help but boy was I wrong. Thanks for being there when we needed you. Your acts of kindness are welcomed and appreciated.
Tanner, You are the Best NEW Big Brother ever! Thank You for caring for Marcus and Macey like you do. I appreciate the help with the doors at the doctor's office, you feeding them baby goldfish for a snack, loving on them after their shots and helping
mommy take down the new stroller in the parking garage.:) Your the Best Big Helper!
Mommy loves you more!
Thanks for keeping us updated on all that is going on with these sweet little ones. I am so glad you have a doctor that is going to work with you step by step. We will pray that God continues to provide for everything that comes along. He is faithful!
I'm so glad I tagged along to help out! I enjoy every moment that I get to spend with you and the kids. You truly are a blessing to me; even more so than you may think. I am excited to watch as these beautiful children change right before my very own eyes. It truly is amazing! Macey is SO smart and catching on to everything so quick and little Marcus, when I told him soft and he stroked my face, I knew then that he "got it". I've said it before and I'll probably say it another 100 times but you have changed their lives forever and I can only thank you for allowing me to be a part of such an amazing act of kindness and unconditional love! We love you ALL!!! ~Jen
We will pray for you.
the Adamsons
Wow, sounds like they are doing great! Were they charting them on the DS weight and height charts? Brianna (my bio daughter) is 23 lbs and 34" tall, just about the same as Marcus :) She was 3 in Jan. And Emma, at 6, is 37" and 30lbs. When looking at a weight for height chart Emma is above 50%! (typical chart, no different one for Ds). Here's a link in case you don't have the growth charts... http://www.growthcharts.com/charts/DS/charts.htm
Blessings, so glad to see you all doing well! --Meredith (RR)
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