Today is Marcus' 4th birthday! This is his 1st birthday as a US citizen and as our son. This day has meant so much to me. I have cherished each little detail today as though I could make up for lost time. I wanted him to know how much we love him and how we wanted to celebrate his life. This has been an amazing year for us. This day last year we had arrived in Ukraine and celebrated his birthday with new friends. Today we celebrated as a family of 6. I knew this day was coming I just wasn't prepared for all the emotions. This was the little guy the Lord so adamantly called us to. I'll never forget the day Wayne chose him. He said, he looks like a Dickinson. From that moment on he was. It took us 6 short months to rescue this little guy. We went through a kitchen fire, Wayne's surgery, stacks of paperwork and approvals not to mention traveling around the world to meet him. It all came flooding back to me today. Today he is mine; Home, loved, safe and wanted. I wish I could just bottle him up. He is truly the sweetest, funniest little character I know. He is full of energy and will hardly sit still for a moment. We have rescued him from the bars of a playpen where his name was probably never spoken with endearment to the freedom of a family who cherishes each milestone he has to offer. I tell you he came home and literally hit the ground running. He learned to walk quickly and was given new sight. He hasn't looked back since. He is full-time - All the time. I wouldn't have it any other way. He is loved by his therapists and cherished by his teachers. We have given him an environment that is safe and secure. He is free to explore the world around him. He has the most beautiful big eyes. He looks in amazement everywhere we go. I am enjoying life through his eyes. The things that tickle him or excite him are the small things, the everyday things. He is a joy to watch grow. As I think back to the very first picture we received and think about who I thought he was, I am thrilled that he has exceeded my expectations. Our family is forever changed because of this little guy. When we said yes to the Lord's calling we had no idea the fulfillment we would receive and the blessings Marcus had to offer.
As I reflect on the years missed I am saddened. I wish I could have given birth to him myself. I wonder if his birth mother was excited and held him tight wishing she could care for him herself. I pray for her today and I know she remembers March 1st as though it were yesterday. I pray a special blessing for her and wish I could thank her myself for giving him life. I'll never be able to be a part of the day he was born. But I can from this day forward be the one to celebrate every birthday and always remind him how wonderfully and beautifully made he is.
I love you little Bubba!
Meghan! I'm SO glad I found you through facebook. Look at you...two new members to your family and they are PRECIOUS! SO much has gone on since our days in BSF together. As you know, adoption is near and dear to my heart and I'm thrilled to see how God has led you to adoption and the little blessings He has given you. I look forward to keeping up and praying for your family. Congrats to you and your family! God is good!!
Happy Birthday Handsome boy!
Praise God! We're so happy Marcus has his family on his 4th birthday! That was so meaningful to me also, knowing that Sean was home before the dreaded 4 year-old milestone of possible transfer to an institution. He looks wonderful! WE hope to meet your little guy and girl someday. :)
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