Today was another day of appointments. Both kids had audiology appointments today. The doctor ordered the procedures. I understand why but felt like it may have been a waste of our time. The technician was great! She just didn't tell me anything our pediatrician didn't already tell us. Their ear drums and canals were too small for her to get a good reading. She was excited to know that we were already scheduled to see an ENT. She said they would have better equipment to see what they needed to see. Go figure! This is all still so new to me that I'm not sure what is truly necessary and what isn't. I know our doctor is wanting a complete work-up on both kiddos and I appreciate that. We don't truly know anything about their medical history. It's better to be safe than sorry later. I just feel like the ENT could have done everything they did today. Maybe not the in the booth test but like I said, this is all new to me. I barely know who does what. All of these doctors with some kind of -ology behind them. I am grateful for anyone who can help us with Marcus and Macey's medical situation. It would just be nice if some of these appointments could be combined. One for the sake of time and another because these appointments are not always the most comfortable for the kiddos. Less is more, right?
Thanks for listening.
I was however productive at the social security office today. I had a wonderful lady who helped me apply for their numbers. I thought it would be an easy breezy process. Eventually it was. With a prayer and the right paperwork we were successful at applying for their own social security numbers. We should expect them in 7-10 days. I feel like every time we accomplish something I can mark it off my list. The list has started out LONG but is quickly shortening. I would like to have ALL of our paperwork and appointments completed by June. We would like to take a little break and enjoy some summertime laziness together. You know, no schedules or appointments.
I'll keep you posted.
If I haven't told you lately...Thank You for continuing to follow our journey.
We are having the time of our lives. :)
You are correct, an ENT's office should have an audiologist who could have done what was attempted at this appointment. Dr. Metcalf's office has the cute little booth and all of the machines and testing supplies and an audiologist on staff. You know me though, after TEN sets of tubes between three children, I could almost call myself an expert on this matter! LOL!!! I would assume they wanted you to see the audiologist first to see if a trip to the ENT is waranted, but now you know for sure! Just consider this another appointment checked off your list and rest assured that the ENT will take good care of them!!!
I'm sure they went over this with you at the SoS office, but if you didn't have your certificates of citizenship yet they will register the kids as resident aliens and you will need to go back in when you get your CoCs. It doesn't hurt to call the main SoS toll free number when you get their cards just to check their citizenship status and make sure it was registered correctly in the computer. I have BTDT!! :) :)
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